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A Quickstart Guide to KubeOps

KubeOps is a Web Application which can be used to easily handle clusters (like creation, installing apps, monitoring) and its various other related functions for various Cloud Providers like GCP, AWS, Azure etc. KubeOps Uses DataVision to monitor your cluster. Use this documentation to learn how to use KubeOps and its various functionalities.Current functionalities provided […]


Simplifying Cloud Adoption

1. Introduction Gartner report quotes, “Cloud computing is firmly established as the new normal for enterprise IT. Across industries, cloud continues to be one of the fastest-growing segments of IT spend. With greater spend, however, comes greater responsibility for CIOs to invest budgets wisely, and a bigger impact if things go wrong. “ source:  https://www.gartner.com/smarterwithgartner/4-trends-impacting-cloud-adoption-in-2020/ As per another report […]


Microservices architecture: Key to Cloud Applications

Evaluation of distributed applications wouldn’t be possible without microservices. The microservice architecture enables application developers to build scalable applications on top of the cloud environment. What is a microservice? According to Google Cloud-A single service that’s built to accommodate an application feature. In the microservices pattern, the application is the aggregate of multiple services, each […]


Alerting with Alertmanager

Collecting metrics is great, but when things go south, or ideally BEFORE things go south, you want to get notified. This is where Alertmanager by Prometheus comes into the picture. The Alertmanager handles alerts sent by client applications such as the Prometheus server. It takes care of deduplicating, grouping, and routing them to the correct receiver integration […]



Here you will learn about how organizing data and employing data governance procedures will empower the data from primary activities of the value chain. And how valuable insights can be obtained through applied analytics. INTRODUCTION The motive of this whitepaper is to provide valuable insights about how Data Governance along with analytics can contribute to […]