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How Cloud DevOps Helps Accelerate Software Delivery

In today’s hyper-competitive market, if you are a small or medium-sized company looking to grow your business, you need to be able to deliver software faster and better than your competitors. You need to be agile, innovative, and reliable. You need to adopt DevOps. More specifically cloud DevOps. Cloud DevOps combines cloud computing and DevOps […]


The Road to Application Modernization: Strategies for Revamping Legacy Systems

With the onset of Industry 4.0, digital transformation has become a necessity for companies across domains and sectors. Organizations across industries like banking, finance, insurance, and transportation had built enterprise applications with the most advanced technologies at the time. However, now those legacy systems are blocking companies from adapting to the evolving customer expectations. Gartner […]


What Is Cloud Migration? Strategy, Processes, And Tools

Companies are accelerating their migration to cloud computing to leverage the new technology for competitive advantage in the digital world. With cloud investments generating huge dividends in the form of greater flexibility, scalability, and agility, businesses are moving their IT assets to cloud platforms. A Cybersecurity Ventures report estimates that over 100 Zettabytes of data […]


DevOps Automation Services: Everything You Need To Know

In the existing digital economy, organizations need to churn out quality applications faster than ever before. It is not just to gain an edge over the competitors, but to remain relevant. The availability of digital solutions and emerging technologies has put customer experience at the heart of business operations. Companies must meet customer expectations at […]


A Guide To Building A Cloud Migration Strategy

Cloud migration is inevitable for companies that want to remain relevant in the digital-first economy. With companies fast realizing this, cloud adoption is at its peak. According to a Google report, 41.4% of the companies are planning to increase their investment in cloud products and services, while 33.4% of others are keen on moving their […]


The Advantages Of Cloud Data Management

As much as data is important for any company to sustain in the increasingly competitive business landscape, it is equally complicated to manage. As per Statista, the world will produce close to 180 zettabytes of data in the next two years. In what is turning into a data-centric economy, organizations need to unleash the potential […]

6 Key Points To Consider When Converting Monolith To Microservices

6 Key Points To Consider When Converting Monolith To Microservices

Before there was such a thing as microservices, organizations built their business application as a single unit following a monolithic architecture. It was an industry standard to design an entire application as a single component with a massive codebase. However, with the advent of cloud computing services, businesses have migrated to microservices architecture. Monolithic architecture […]